Automated Employee On-boarding

Employee on-boarding can be a lengthy manual task, with HR Teams spending large amounts of time checking documentation, enrolling new staff onto HR Systems and checking references. This is an important part of the HR on-boarding process, ensuring your new employee is up and running quickly and that your company is compliant with laws such as the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act.

Many organisations are already investing in robotic process automation (RPA) technologies to make repetitive business processes much faster. Imagine your HR administrators manually inputting data from various paper records into an HR system. This is a simple process but takes time and is prone to human error.  If documents are poorly indexed and difficult to find, staff may spend long periods searching for the information too.

Robotic Process Automation – Employee On-boarding

You decide to replace this manual task with RPA, a system which records the repeat processes and then performs them automatically and in just a few seconds. For this to happen, your paper records must be well managed and archived with effective indexing, scanning and data capture in place. This enables your move to RPA by making the source documents and the data required within them easily discoverable in digital formats.

Did you know? RPA is on the rise; in a recent survey, 70% of organisations said they were using it and 66% were expanding their use. 70% also said their RPA spending would increase over the next 12 months.

Robotic process automation (RPA) software can be integrated into HR on-boarding processes easily. For instance, backlogs of old paper employee records, or the stream of new ones, can be routed into a system which learns a data entry process once and then repeats it perfectly every time. Not only that, it completes a task that could take an admin person several minutes in just a few seconds.

Employee onboarding services by Robocloud

A key example of this is on-boarding of new employees. RPA software can perform many tasks such as:

  • Checking right to work documentation.
  • Automatically set up new starters on HR platforms, IT platforms and order any kit they need
  • Request and receive any employee documentation that they need to sign and return
  • Automatically send out company handbooks or policies
  • Automate external or third party checks on employees
  • Update HR system or platform e.g. People, Octopus, SAP or Sage
  • Automatically send off for references
  • Capture information from inbound documents and check for name, surname, department, key phrases or sentiments e.g. Artificial Intelligence can check written reference to see if it’s positive or negative

For further details about Robocloud’s  automated employee on-boarding services call our team now on 0800 046 8081 or contact us.

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